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Amtu's launch of e-magazine introducing hair tool website

Today as we witness the rise of the feminine principle, we salute Ms. Amtu-Michelle Johnson as she introduces her new online store, Amtu Hair Art & Tools. Johnson's bold step to develop a design company specializing in accessories and hair tools which also sponsors advocacy programs for artists/entrepreneurs opens the door of opportunity, growth, and expansion to the frequently forgotten and undervalued segments in society, the artists...

You ARE Wakanda: On Self-Healing and Responsibility

By Dr. Rebecca Hubbard


Imhotep (why do I say this? ). ***There are some spoilers in this post. Please be aware of that if you have not seen the movie, Black Panther***. 


All of the analyses of Black Panther and how to create Wakanda in real life have been really inspiring and necessary. It’s a good way to talk about change for people of the African Diaspora and the film is revitalizing important conversations in communities. It has sparked people to learn more about African history and the Black Panther party just to name some examples. However, there is one analytical approach that I have not seen. As a psychologist, I have a habit of thinking of people’s (and my own) internal worlds. In addition to the social and political ways to understand this film, there is utility in thinking about Wakanda as our own internal world of peace, strength, justice, and abundance that we are all trying to create. Several elements in the film Black Panther provide useful metaphors for internal processes that are psychologically healthy and necessary and align with Kemetic yoga and philosophy. The following four elements of the film highlight aspects of internal worlds to create psychological health for an optimal living, not just survival.  



We The Girls

We The Sisters

By Brahmashakti Fudali

I was overjoyed when Michelle ‘Amtu’ Johnson asked me to share my thoughts about her new project, A Map To You Creative Advocacy in their first newsletter. What this sister is doing is so much needed in our Los Angeles community but also in the communities all over the world.  She and her staff are portraying the individual talents of the many beautiful girls, ladies, sisters, women whose skin colors come in a variety of different hues.  Michelle Amtu and her staff bring out the very beautiful creative uniqueness of us; therefore setting up a platform for us. And I thank her…

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